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- Kimberley Reeves
Page 5
Vina’s eyes followed him as he came around the front of the car. He was grinning like a Cheshire cat as he opened the door and helped her out, his wicked smile broadening when he told her she’d missed a spot.
“Here, let me get it,” he said, cupping her chin and gently rubbing away the smudge with his thumb. “Much better.”
Standing this close to him, Vina was acutely aware of his potent masculinity. No wonder women fell all over themselves to get near him. He looked good enough to eat and smelled utterly divine. Vina closed her eyes, breathing in his familiar scent; a mixture of soap and a hint of the subtle sandalwood cologne he favored. It was heady to say the least, but that wasn’t what made Vina sway unsteadily on legs that suddenly felt like rubber.
She didn’t need to open her eyes to know that Travis had drawn closer; it was like standing in front of a heat lamp the way her skin soaked up his warmth. And if there were other people around, Vina wasn’t aware of them. Caught up in a swirling vortex of emotions, she was defenseless against the alien sensations Travis aroused when the gentle movement of his thumb was replaced by a deeply sensual stroke of long, lean fingers down the side of her face. She wasn’t sure what was happening; only that she didn’t want it to stop.
It was the achingly tender brush of his mouth against her parted lips that finally jolted Vina out of the dream-like state she’d fallen into. What was she doing? Kissing Travis would be the biggest mistake of her life! She’d fall for him, just as countless other women had done, and probably do something incredibly stupid like sleep with him. Vina wouldn’t last any longer than his previous girlfriends had, and would have no one to blame but herself when she lost Travis, both as her lover and as her best friend.
Vina jerked her head back, embarrassed by her shameless behavior, but determined to keep it from showing. Peering up at him with a forced smile, she attempted a light-hearted tone.
“Tell me, Mr. Malone, what does your rule book say about kissing a man I barely know before he has even wined and dined me?”
Chapter 4
Travis tried not to let his disappointment show, but it wasn’t easy. He could still feel the warmth of her breath on his lips, and though he’d been deprived of a real kiss, the brief taste he’d gotten was enough to make him ache for more. Admittedly, his ego was bruised by Vina’s rejection; payment, he supposed, for assuming the closed eyes and parted lips were an invitation. His only shot at redeeming himself was to follow her lead and make light of it.
“I must have picked up the wrong rule book,” he grinned. “I could have sworn it said never pass up the opportunity to kiss a beautiful woman.”
Vina didn’t miss a beat. “Straight from the pages of The Travis Malone Dairies would be my guess.”
“Now, that was cold, woman.”
“Sorry about that,” she sounded genuinely contrite. “I haven’t eaten anything since this morning and tend to get a little waspish when I’m hungry.”
“In that case, I’d better get you inside so Chef Joe can restore your blood sugar level.”
“How very wise of you,” Vina laughed as she slipped her hand into his.
Travis had never been fond of holding hands or other displays of affection in public. It inferred there was something more than a casual relationship between him and his female companion, and he avoided it like the plague. Now it dawned on him that he only objected to that kind of intimacy because none of those women had been Vina. He liked how small and delicate her finely boned hand felt nestled inside his palm, and the way it subtly proclaimed Vina was his. He also enjoyed the envious glances of other men when the Maître de showed them to their seats.
Travis had been grateful for Joe Marinelli’s personal assurance a table would always be made available to him, but he was even more grateful when they were escorted to a secluded spot with a fabulous view of the ocean. There was no doubt in his mind Joe had selected the best table in the restaurant for them. He wondered if his ex-chef had done it as an indication of how highly he regarded Travis, or if Joe had guessed how important this date with Vina was to him.
“But of course I remember Miss Vina,” Joe had exclaimed when Travis called him the previous day. “I see you with many beautiful young ladies, but this was one is special, si?”
“Sì, è molto special,” Travis had replied. Yes, she is very special.
“Ah, Vina è l’amore della tua vita?”
“Si,” he’d replied again.
Watching Vina devour the menu with her eyes, knowing she would order a real meal, brought a smile to his face. She had a healthy appetite, although God only knew where she put it all, and Travis loved that he could share his appreciation of good food with her. She wouldn’t lay her napkin aside after two bites and proclaim to be full like the majority of the women he dated did.
Being with Vina made him realize how little enjoyment he’d gotten from those women, besides a few hours of decent sex and an occasional interesting conversation. It also made him realize he could never go back to that way of life. All he had to do was make her fall in love with him and see how good they would be together. Considering how quickly she’d shied away from kissing him, that might prove to be more difficult than he’d anticipated.
Vina looked up from the menu with a pitiful sigh. “Everything sounds so wonderful, I’m afraid to choose one for fear I’ll miss out on something even better. Maybe I should let you choose for me.”
“I have a better idea,” Travis set his menu down. “Why don’t we have Joe suggest what to order?”
Vina’s eyes widened in mock horror. “Sneak back to the kitchen and ask him, you mean? Have you lost your mind? Chef Joe will have you quartered and served up with the linguine if you interrupt him while he’s creating one of his masterpieces!”
“It would be futile to attempt tenderizing such a hard-nosed businessman,” a heavily accented voice said from behind her.
“You should have told me he was there,” she hissed under her breath before rising from her chair to give Joe a hug.
In his defense, Travis had been aiming to do just that when he said they should have Joe suggest something. He couldn’t honestly say he was sorry though. Embarrassed that Joe had overheard her comment, a warm rosy blush colored her cheeks, enhancing the perfection of her flawless skin. A wave of desire swept over him when he recalled how soft and silky it felt beneath his fingertips. The rest of her body would be just as soft, just as…
“Travis? Did you hear what I said?”
Travis glanced up to find Vina and Joe eying him warily. “Sorry, my mind was wandering,” he said with a sheepish grin.
“I was saying that Joe suggests a glass of Riserva to start off with and Pantelleria with dessert.”
“Sounds great. You going to feed us anything with that wine, Joe?”
Joe’s chest puffed up. “Only the best for you and your bello inamorato.
Neither of them said a word as Joe rattled off the half dozen dishes or so he intended to serve them, but Travis could tell Vina was struggling to maintain a straight face. Shortly after Joe left, the waiter arrived with their wine. For the next two hours they enjoyed Italian cuisine and pleasant conversation, frequently exchanging light-hearted banter. After the last bite of dessert had been eaten, they sat for awhile longer, sipping the Pantelleria and grumbling to each about how much food they’d consumed.
“Too bad we can’t take a stroll down to the beach and walk some of the pasta off,” Vina said.
Travis envisioned Vina standing on the shoreline with the water gently lapping over her bare feet, moonlight dancing off her hair as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.
“It’s a public beach…” his train of thought derailed when his vision expanded to include a blanket on the sand and Vina’s soft brown eyes gazing up at him. “There’s no…uh…reason we can’t…” Arms twined around his neck, a breathless sigh as their mouths melded together. “…take a walk,” he finished with considerable effort.
�Are you all right?” Vina touched his arm, lines of concern etched on her face.
“I’m fine. It just seems a little warm in here all of a sudden. Would you care to take that walk on the beach with me?”
Her expression immediately lightened. “I would love to but I’m afraid I’d break an ankle trying to walk in sand with these heels.”
“So don’t wear them. We can leave our shoes in the car and go barefoot.”
“I’d have to take off my hose,” Vina sounded tempted, but not quite convinced.
“Oh, well…if you don’t want to, I understand. I know how difficult it is for a woman like you to cut loose and enjoy the simple things in life.”
“A woman like me…?” her eyes narrowed. “What is that supposed to mean?”
Travis shrugged. “You know; raised prim and proper, born with a silver spoon in her mouth, afraid to get a little wet sand on her feet in case it chips the nail polish.”
“That’s pretty cheeky coming from a man wearing an Armani suit and imported Italian leather shoes.”
“I’m not the one balking at slipping my imports off to enjoy an evening stroll on the beach.”
“I’ll show you prim and proper,” Vina mumbled as she rose from her chair.
Shoulders squared, chin held high, she marched toward the door without waiting for Travis to escort her. He got to his feet, absently handing his charge card to the waiter who’d hurried over the moment Vina left the table. Unruffled by her hasty departure, Travis just stood there and watched her, thoroughly enjoying the view and enticed by her parting words. It didn’t take but a few minutes for the waiter to return with his card.
“Tell Chef Joe the cuisine was magnificent and the service superb.”
Vina è l’amore della tua vita? That was the question Joe had asked when he discovered who Travis’ dinner date was. Would Vina be amused by it or appalled? Not that he intended to tell her, at least not yet, but seeing her reaction might give some indication as to whether she had ever thought of him as more than just a friend.
Si, Travis had told Joe. Yes, Vina was the love of his life.
He stepped outside and experienced a moment of panic when he reached the car and didn’t see Vina. Turning towards the beach, Travis peered into the darkness and was just barely able to make out her silhouette in the dim light. Fear gripped his belly when he realized how vulnerable she was sitting all alone on one of the stone benches. He was all set to give her a stern talking to, but was instantly disarmed by the impish smile she slanted at him when he dropped down beside her.
Vina dangled her sandals from one finger. “You sure you want to risk getting sand in the cuffs of your Armani?”
“You sure you want to risk ruining your French silk hose?”
“I’m afraid to ask how you knew they were French silk, and anyway, I hadn’t planned on ruining them. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t going to back out before I took them off.”
“I’ll have you know I’m a very down to earth kind of guy. Admittedly, I do look exceptionally refined in my tailor made suits, but I’m just as comfortable in the kitchen or behind the bar in my restaurants.”
Laughter danced in Vina’s eyes. “Well, Mr. Refined Bartender, are you going to sit here and jaw all night or are you going to take me for that walk?”
After stashing their shoes and stockings under the bench, they walked down to the shoreline, hand in hand. It felt…nice, Vina admitted to herself. She only wished she could feel half as comfortable with other men as she did with Travis.
They stopped a few feet from the water’s edge to enjoy the tranquility of the moment. Vina filled her lungs with the clean ocean air, fascinated by the glimmer of moonlight dancing off of the waves as they gently rolled to shore. The overwhelming power and beauty of the ocean had always touched her on an emotional level, but tonight she seemed especially sensitive to it.
Poignant memories of family picnics and building sandcastles came rushing back to her, weighing heavy as a stone in her chest. She turned her face away from Travis to hide the tears that were threatening to spill down over her cheeks. Their evening together had been too enjoyable to spoil by spiraling into a dark depression or having him witness one of her crying fits. Drawing in a ragged breath, Vina blinked back the tears and forced her lips to form a smile.
“It…it’s beautiful, isn’t it?” She looked out over the ocean.
“Beautiful and brave,” he replied in a voice that was warm and tender.
“The ocean is brave?”
“Not the ocean, Vina. You.”
Shaking her head in denial, Vina lifted her eyes to his. “If you knew how close I was to a meltdown, you wouldn’t think so.”
“I disagree, but in a shameless attempt to stoke my male ego, I’m willing to let you cry on my broad, manly shoulders.”
“Oh, Travis,” she went into his arms, half laughing and half crying. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“I’ll always be here for you, sweetheart.”
Vina closed her eyes, grateful for the comfort he offered her. Her cheek was nestled against chest, his strong arms locked around her in a protective embrace, and she couldn’t think of any place she would rather be at that moment. Travis had always been able to pick up on her emotions so she wasn’t all that surprised he’d sensed her sudden mood change. For awhile he said nothing. Gently stroking her hair, he waited until the harsh sobs had dwindled into an occasional sniff before speaking.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Yes…and no,” she replied miserably. “I’m sorry for falling apart on you. I was thinking about the picnics our parents used to take us on. Daddy used to try to show us the proper way to build a sandcastle while Mom just stood there shaking her head. Victoriana was deadly serious about following his instructions and always wound up getting mad and stomping off because Kelsey inevitably destroyed her masterpieces by trying to help. I don’t know why it hit me so hard when they were such good memories.”
“It’s understandable,” Travis consoled her. “Remembering the times you were together as a family and knowing it can never be that way again is bound to make you sad.”
“I carry the sadness with me no matter where I’m at or what I’m doing. I’ve learned to deal with that. It’s the unexpected flood of grief and devastation for what I’ve lost that tears me up inside. Sometimes it hurts so bad, I wish I could rip my own heart out so the pain will go away. Other times, it feels as if my heart has been ripped out, and there’s nothing but this…God awful emptiness.”
“It will get easier with time, I promise. I think that’s part of the reason your parents hatched this idea of sending you and your sisters out on an adventure. They allowed a short period of time for grieving and then arranged these trips to amazing places to keep your minds occupied elsewhere.”
“Yes, but…why separate us? And why send us in search for love when that is the farthest thing from any of our minds? I mean, if two people are destined to be together, wouldn’t they find each other eventually anyway?”
“Maybe it’s not the search they felt was important. Maybe what they wanted was for you to simply open your heart to the possibility of falling in love.”
Vina tilted her head back, the ache in her heart so sharp she could barely breathe. “And if it doesn’t happen? Do you think they would be disappointed in me?”
“Never,” Travis said with conviction. “They were so proud of you, of all their girls, and with good reason.”
“You really think so?”
“I know so.”
“Thank you,” she said softly. “Not just for making me feel better, but for agreeing to come with me. You’re a good friend, Travis…the best.”
Something in his eyes shifted, as if what she’d said disturbed him. But then he smiled, and Vina thought she must have read too much into it.
“We’re going to have a great time, and regardless of the outcome, I know your parents wo
uld have been proud of you for going. And now, Miss Moore, I believe you owe me a leisurely stroll in the moonlight.”
Vina was glad when Travis started talking about their trip to Venice and the exciting things there was to see and do. He told her about the Grand Canal, which was the main thoroughfare in Venice, and the fabulous Renaissance palaces along the route. He promised to take her to St. Mark’s Square and the Palazzo Ducale where masterpieces from great Italian artists were housed.
“We’ll go to Ca’Macana to buy our masks for the masquerade ball. You’ll love the costumes, Vina; they’re spectacular.” Travis glanced down at her, his deep voice moving over her like a soft caress. “I can only imagine how breathtaking you’re going to be in a ball gown. You’ll be the most beautiful woman there, and every eligible bachelor in the room will be anxious to dance with you.”