Mina Harmon is as innocent as Scott Travis is arrogant and yet there is a magnetic attraction between them that can't be denied. But Scott can't afford to lose Mina as his Personal Assistant which means she's strictly off limits. So why is he making up excuses to be with her every chance he gets?

  Chapter 1

  Mina kept her knees clamped primly together, her back straight, hands clasped in her lap as she nervously watched her prospective employer review the resume she’d presented him with. It was a drill really. She wasn’t entirely naïve. Mina had seen the other women who’d been called into the office of Scott Travis. Tall, leggy women who flaunted their sexuality as if it was one of the qualifications required for the job.

  What chance did she have against the blonde with the plunging neckline that had just left? The woman’s cleavage ran halfway to her neck, and the little skirt she’d worn barely covered her bottom. Mina tried to stay focused, forcing herself to sit quietly while Mr. Travis scrutinized the application she’d completed as well as the letters of recommendation. It wouldn’t matter, none of it.

  While his attention was trained on the forms, Mina took the opportunity to openly ogle him. She was still a little unnerved from their initial greeting and the furious blush that had scorched her cheeks when he stood up to shake her hand. The man had to be at least six foot three or four, with broad shoulders, jet black hair, and eyes the color of a clear summer day. She’d almost sighed with relief when he let go of her hand and asked her to take a seat because her knees were as wobbly as her smile. He was, she decided, the most devastatingly handsome man she had ever seen

  Not that she’d been out in the big world long enough to have seen many men, but Scott Travis exuded a masculinity so potent women probably threw themselves at him shamelessly. Mina almost laughed out loud. There was no probably about it; she’d seen enough of the sugary smiles and batting eyelashes as her competitors filtered in and out of his office to know it was a certain fact.

  What she should have done was leave the moment she realized things like intelligence and competence were only important if accompanied by a pair of shapely legs and spiky heels. Yet another day wasted, she thought, covering her mouth to hide a bored yawn. Why was he even bothering to read everything all the way through? She certainly couldn’t compete with the entourage of femme fatales that had come before her, or those that still remained in the waiting area.

  Her eyes wandered around the room, stopping at the vast display of what were obviously family photos. None of Mr. Travis with other women though, she noted. The men in the pictures all bore a remarkable resemblance to Scott Travis, as did the two pretty women. Two sisters, three brothers, Mom and Dad, and an older woman who was most likely his grandmother. There were some younger children, a few babies too, but they were pictured with his siblings. It was incredibly sweet to have so many mementos of his family. Mina was the only girl in her family, but she had four brothers of her own and the pictures made her feel homesick.

  Scott eyed the woman in front of him. For the moment, his family photos had drawn her attention away from the interview. He hadn’t missed the yawn she’d tried so hard to cover or the smile that played on her lips as she studied the pictures. Mina Lynette Harmon had quite an impressive resume as well as coming highly recommended.

  He wouldn’t say she was plain exactly, but the dour dress and the way she’d twisted her dark hair into such a severe bun did nothing to enhance her appearance. She had exceptionally pretty eyes, a lovely shade of green that reminded him of emeralds, and the smile she now wore transformed the scared little farm girl look she’d been wearing when she arrived into something quite enchanting.

  Scott glanced back at her application. Mina was twenty-six, almost eight years younger than he was. Her last position had been as an Account Executive for a large corporation in northern Washington. The recommendation from her previous employer stated her work was exemplary, her attendance excellent, and she possessed an ability to comprehend and take command of difficult situations.

  She typed eighty-five words per minute, took short-hand and dictation, managed travel arrangements and was willing to travel. She was proficient at every computer program his company utilized, in addition to several they didn’t. She also spoke fluent Spanish and French as well as having an intermediate grasp of German.

  He lifted his eyes again, idly sweeping over her figure. It was hard to tell with what she was wearing, but it didn’t matter much anyway. She wasn’t stick thin like the surgery enhanced women he’d been interviewing all day and Scott found it quite refreshing. A woman should be soft and curvy, not have their bones sticking out all over the place. Judging by the pristine way Miss Harmon was sitting, he also doubted he’d have any problems with her rushing out early on Fridays for a date.

  He rubbed the back of his neck wearily. He was tired of the mindless twits that had shown up all day, obviously believing their chances of being hired depended on how much skin they revealed. One woman even had the audacity to ask how much longer the interview was going to take because she didn’t want to be late for her nail appointment.

  Most of the applications had gone directly into the trash can as soon as they’d left. He wasn’t looking for an assistant who would show him a good time if he overlooked her sloppy work, he wanted an assistant who would actually do the job and do it well. Someone who took pride in their work, someone conscientious who wouldn’t try to distract him with flirtatious banter. What Scott needed was Mina Harmon.


  He checked her salary requirements and was surprised to see it was several thousand dollars less a year than he’d planned to pay. The poor little country girl was just asking to be taken advantage of. Scott looked up, fully intending to offer her what she asked for, but somehow the wide-eyed innocence of her face made him feel ashamed at what he’d been about to do. Hell, if she was as qualified as her resume suggested, she would be worth every penny.

  “I’d like to hire you, Miss Harmon,” he finally said, “but not at the salary you’ve requested.”

  Mina nodded. She’d expected to be dismissed so she was disappointed, but not surprised. She stood up, holding her head up proudly and extended her hand.

  “I appreciate you taking the time to interview me, Mr. Travis. Good luck in your search.”

  Scott stared at the delicate hand she presented and couldn’t help chuckling. Apparently, Miss Harmon was used to being turned away, although he couldn’t fathom why since she was highly qualified for a position of this type. He watched the slow withdrawal of her hand and, too late, realized she thought he was making fun of her.

  “I recognize that I don’t have some of the assets the other women you’ve interviewed have, Mr. Travis,” she said crisply, “but I assure you I would have been the best assistant you’ve ever had.” She lifted her chin. “I also think it’s extremely unkind of you to assume that being unattractive means I don’t have any feelings. I’m a good person. I work hard, take great pride in what I do, and quite frankly I’m tired of wasting my time being interviewed by arrogant Executives who are more interested in the size of a woman’s chest than her skills as an assistant. I apologize for taking up so much of your valuable time.”

  Scott stared at the woman for a moment, rendered totally speechless by her little outburst. He should have been angry, even appalled that she would dare to speak to him as she had. He’d made the mistake of thinking she might be too timid for the job, maybe even a bit afraid of him, but she obviously had the guts to speak up when she felt she had been insulted.

  He liked her, Scott thought with surprise. She wouldn’t run to the bathroom crying when he barked at her o
r pout all day because he’d hurt her feelings. Mina met his gaze without wavering then turned stiffly and headed for the door.

  “Wait, Miss Harmon,” he stood up and approached her. Caught off guard by those emerald eyes of hers, Scott just stood there looking at her for a moment.

  “Yes?” She arched her brows.

  “I think there’s been a misunderstanding. What I meant was that I’d like to hire you, but I think your skills qualify you for a larger salary than what you originally asked for.”

  Mina blinked. “You…you mean you were actually offering me the job? And for more money?” Her spirits plummeted. If she’d only kept quiet. Now she’d blown an excellent job opportunity. “I guess I owe you an apology. It was nice meeting you, Mr. Travis.” She turned towards the door.

  “Miss Harmon, the offer still stands.”

  Mina stopped then forced herself to face him again. “I don’t think I understand, Mr. Travis. I was incredibly rude to you. Why are you still offering me the position?”

  Scott grinned. “Have you looked at the women who’ve trooped through here? I’ve seen all the botoxed lips and silicone enhancements I care to see. I’m looking for an assistant, not a playmate. I didn’t even have to read half your resume to know you were more qualified than any of the women I’ve interviewed over the past few days. If your references check out, I’d like you to start on Monday morning.”

  “They will," she smiled happily. "I promise you, I’m a very hard worker. You won’t be sorry you hired me.” A light blush came to her cheeks. “About what I said…”

  “Actually," Scott interrupted her, "it was the deciding factor in hiring you. Look, Miss Harmon, I’m not an easy person to work for. I’m extremely busy and don’t have time to sugar coat my words. Sometimes I can be quite harsh, but if you think you can keep from taking it personally and understand I don’t intentionally set out to hurt your feelings, then I think we’ll get along just fine.”

  “I’m a lot tougher than I look,” she assured him. “I can handle anything you throw my way.”

  He held out his hand. “I imagine you can.”

  Mina took the hand he offered. “I guess I’ll see you Monday then. Thank you, Mr. Travis.”

  Scott watched her leave then moved back behind his desk and called his receptionist on the intercom. “Becca, send the other ladies home, I’ve just hired Mina Harmon. Have Human Resources prepare an employment packet so I can give it to her Monday morning.”

  He dropped down in his chair, thankful he didn’t have to inhale anymore perfume for the day. Miss Harmon, he noticed, hadn’t been wearing any. He’d felt suffocated every time he called in another applicant, but when Mina walked in, he’d caught only a clean, fresh scent as if she’d recently showered. He just hoped she was as good in the office as she was on paper.


  Mina walked out of the building feeling a little dazed. She couldn’t believe Scott Travis had hired her over all the beautiful woman she’d seen in his office. It seemed as if the whole city was full of females who could have modeled for the cover of a fashion magazine. She wasn’t sure she would have come to Malibu if she’d known getting a job depended on the size of your bust. Well, some jobs anyway. Thank God, Scott Travis had been interested in hiring someone who actually wanted to work.

  Boarding the bus, she dropped her tokens into the slot and took a seat close to the front. The stress of being unemployed had taken quite a toll but that desperate, sinking feeling she’d been carrying around for months was blissfully absent, and it was all she do to keep from launching into a fit of deliriously happy giggles. She’d been so full of hope and unrealistic dreams when she’d left her parents’ home in Washington almost six months ago. Finding a job had been much harder than she had anticipated and with her funds running dangerously low, Mina had been sick at the thought of having to turn tail and run back home. The job at S.S.T. Shipping was a Godsend; now she could find a nice place to live and start sending money home to help her brothers with college tuition.

  It was fortunate that Mina had become familiar with the bus driver during her endless search for a job, otherwise she would have missed her stop. She thanked him for noticing her head was clearly in the clouds then waved good-bye and set out on the three block walk to the small house she rented. She could have opted for an apartment in a nicer area of town but would have been forced to give up Buster, her five year old German Shepherd, and she just couldn’t bring herself to send him home to her parents. Besides being a great deterrent for anyone trying to break in, he kept her from being so lonely. Plus it was nice to come home and have a companion that was so happy to see her. Unconditional love, that’s what Buster gave her.

  As she crossed the porch of her house, she could hear Buster dancing around on the other side, anxious for her to get inside. She braced herself and opened the door but the hundred and ten pound dog weighed almost as much as she did. Mina had little defense when he took a running leap at her, and she found herself landing soundly on her bottom as Buster showered her with sloppy kisses.

  “Bad dog,” she chastised half-heartedly, turning her head to avoid any further assaults.

  After warding off several attempts to swipe her with his tongue, Mina pulled herself from the floor and let Buster outside. The fence was badly in need of repair, but he never made any attempt to escape so she wasn’t worried about it. She dropped her purse and keys on the stand by the door then went to change into blue jeans and t-shirt. What little cash she’d had to spare was spent on dresses when she moved here so she didn’t have many casual clothes. Maybe now she could afford a new pair of jeans and nice tennis shoes.


  Mina opened the refrigerator, though she wasn’t exactly sure why since she hadn’t purchased any groceries in over two weeks. All the money she had in the bank needed to be spent on the utilities that were due next week.

  "Two eggs, a stick of butter, and a dried up English muffin. The Mina Harmon, don’t-have-a-dime-to-my-name diet. Wonder if I can market that.”

  She stood up and rubbed her grumbling stomach, eyeing the huge bag of dog food and the canned food lined up beside it. At least Buster had plenty to eat. When she realized how close she was going to cut it, she'd stocked up. It was one thing for her to go hungry but it was hardly Buster's fault she’d been such a failure and she saw no reason to make him suffer.

  Checking the cupboards on the off chance she’d missed something on her food hunt the day before, she spotted one lonely can of diced tomatoes trying to hide itself in the back. Mina stared at it for a moment, wondering if she was desperate enough to make a meal of it. Better divide it up, she thought. Carefully measuring out half the can, she scrambled it in with one of the eggs.

  When and if she ever made it home for a visit, her parents were going to think she’d gone on some fabulous new diet. It had been a shock to step on the scales and discover she’d lost nearly twenty pounds in the past month, and with her first paycheck at least two weeks out, she’d probably drop at least another ten. There was no way she would ever confess it was a starvation diet she’d been forced into, not with the tongue lashing her mother would give her for not letting them know she needed money.

  She polished off the last bite, making a valiant effort to convince herself it had filled her up, then washed the dishes, hitched up her jeans and went in search of a belt. She pulled one from the closet, shaking her head at the wardrobe that had once fit so well. Now everything hung on her, making her appear dowdy and heavier than she really was. She had to admit she liked her new figure, though she didn’t care to lose any more weight.

  Still, with clothes that fit better, she wouldn’t look half bad. She’d always been rather well endowed on top but her breasts hadn’t looked so big when she was heavier. Figure wise, she could have competed with some of the women she’d seen today, but she was no raving beauty and would never be anything but mildly attractive.

  With a wistful sigh, Mina grabbed the book she’d borrow
ed from the library. She liked it there. It was quiet and relaxing and she could wander around and pick out whatever she was in the mood for. If she didn’t feel like reading, she used one of the small private rooms to listen to foreign language tapes so she wouldn’t get rusty. She also used their computers to e-mail her brothers because watching every penny meant giving up the internet service at her house. So far, she’d managed to keep them from worrying too much about her.

  Thinking of her own family made her remember all the photographs Scott Travis had in his office. She wondered why a man who looked like he did hadn’t been snatched up long ago by some bony model type. Mina hadn’t been intimidated by his admission that he could be harsh sometimes because she figured that even if he was as difficult to deal with as he said he was, just being able to look at him would make it worthwhile. She couldn’t believe he had taken the verbal abuse she’d dished out and still hired her, but she was ecstatic with the way it had turned out.

  She let Buster back inside then settled down on the sofa to read but when her stomach started grumbling again, Mina decided she’d probably have to breakdown and use some of her utility money to buy groceries. It wasn’t likely she’d make a good impression on her new boss if she passed out from hunger the first day on the job. Unable to concentrate on reading, she turned on the television and flipped to the Thursday night Creature Feature and was just getting comfortable when she heard the unmistakable squeal of her gate being opened.